Your master studies in finance at the University of Hohenheim

You are interested in international financial markets, banking and financial services, corporate finance, or data analysis? And you still don't know, that Hohenheim is the right place for you in that case? Then, you found the right websites! On the following pages, we provide information to you, which finance-related subjects you can study here in Hohenheim and which courses you can take. Already now, we give a summary of what you can expect, when you decide to study finance at the University of Hohenheim:

  • You receive a specialised education as a future expert in the field of banking, financial markets and corporate finance.
  • You are eductated by internationally high-ranked researchers and experts.
  • You experience practice-oriented teaching by external lecturers from private companies.
  • You learn how to apply state-of-the-art research methods in finance, which enable you to start your PhD studies.
  • You get the opportunity to do empirical research already during your studies, due to the rich financial markets databases at the Data Laboratory Hohenheim (DALAHO).
  • You have a broad range of opportunities to gather international experience, e.g. by studying abroad or by doing an internship in a foreign country.
  • You enjoy a familiar atmosphere, which distinguishes the University of Hohenheim from other big finance universities like Frankfurt, Cologne or Mannheim although the same quality in teaching and research is delivered.
  • You live in one of the economically strongest areas in Germany with many possibilities to get professional experience.
  • You study at the most beautiful Campus in Germany.